Lip gloss has impacted society for almost a century, boosting self esteem, influencing fashion and beauty standards, as well as creating a substantial market within the beauty industry. Through the use of lip gloss, people have been able to express themselves and feel confident with their appearance. The many colors and options unlock a whole world of creativity. Considering how lip gloss has been a huge part of society for many decades, we might ask ourselves, who invented lip gloss?

Lip gloss became very popular in the cosmetic industry and due to its high demand, many companies started adapting their own type of lip glosses with their own ingredients and formulas. This led to the creation of flavored lip gloss in 1973 by Bonne Bell. The lip gloss popularity boomed even more in the 1970s. This happened after celebrities, like the actresses from “Charlie's Angels” began wearing it; and today lip gloss is worn by many people worldwide.
Author: Luis Guillen