Cosmetics are made of water and a mixture of several chemical compounds that are extracted from natural or synthetic sources. This means that the environment in which you store your cosmetics will have an impact on them. Not storing your cosmetics properly will not only impact how long they will last, it can also create bacteria on the products that can cause problems to your health.
All cosmetics should always be stored in a cool and dry place. Direct sunlight and moisture should always be avoided. There are some cosmetics that are best stored in a refrigerator like toners, eye creams and face masks.
Cosmetic products should always be sealed properly in its container or package after being used to minimize exposure to air which can cause the product to harden or crack. When exposed to direct sunlight or other outside elements, it may cause the product to change texture and color; it can also create bad smells on the product and even create mold.
Cosmetic products should be stored on a shelf or cabinet inside your house. This will help to keep them out of the reach of children or animals. Iit is also helpful to know that sharing cosmetic products with other people is not a good idea because it can transmit infections.
Knowing where to store your cosmetic products is very important for their longer lasting life and for your health, this should be taken seriously and they should always be stored away from the reach of children and animals. Make sure to always be informed about the product before buying it. Or you can always look at the label as some products will have information on where they should be stored, how they should be applied and how they should be disposed of.
Author: Luis Guillen