First thing to keep in mind when the accident has happened is that it’s best not to scrub the stain, since this can cause further damage by smearing and expanding the stain. Instead, it is best to stay calm, rinse the stain with warm water and do pinching motions on the stain with a rag or paper towel. It is recommended to avoid using chemicals except for detergent, for other chemicals can cause further damage on your clothes.
Depending on the size of the stain it could either be very easy or difficult. If the lip stain is nothing but a few very small drops then you can throw that shirt or pants into the washing machine, add detergent, and the stain can be removed. If the lip stain is of a bigger size then the warm water method should work though it might be more difficult on white shirts. You can also always consult a laundromat or dry cleaning professional about the best way to remove the stain or if they offer a special service for that particular issue.
If the lip stain is covering almost half of the clothing then it is most likely that you're gonna have to dispose of it, but that probably won't happen considering that most lip stain containers contain about 10 ml of product. As humans we make mistakes, and we also learn from them. Situations like this can be very upsetting especially when it happens out in public, but rest assured that there are solutions to every problem!
Author: Luis Guillen